Tips To Help You Drive Safely In The Rain
Rain happens, but it doesn’t stop us from hitting the road to run errands or go on a road trip. There are dangers of driving in the rain that all drivers should be cautious of when hitting the road. Here are some ways you can be safe in your Ford F-150 near Elgin, or any vehicle you’re driving.
Adjust To Conditions
Many drivers do not adjust their thinking when driving in the rain and that is the wrong thing to do. It is important to adapt your driving and thinking to the conditions, you should be alert and focused on the road. You should also be driving at a more cautious speed and extending your stopping distance at intersections and between you and other cars.
Headlights Need To Be On
A good rule of thumb, is if your windshield wipers are on, your headlights should be too. Rain can obscure your vision and the vision of drivers around you, your headlights will help you and others see more clearly. It is also a law in most states to turn your lights on when it is raining.
Check Your Wipers
Make sure that your windshield wipers are working and maintained regularly. If your wipers are worn out it can greatly affect your view of the road. Be sure to replace your windshield wipers on your Ford F-150 in Elgin and other vehicles regularly.
Watch Out For Hydroplaning
Hydroplaning can happen at speeds as low as 30 miles per hour, make sure you are driving safely to avoid an accident. Hydroplaning happens when your tires lose traction due to water on the road, it is more likely to happen if you have worn out tires, but can happen to any driver. It is most slick on the road right after it rains, so it is important to drive safely during and after a storm.
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